Thursday, September 5, 2013


Can you believe it is September already?  I can't!  Like other teachers and music teacher friends of mine, I did not sleep much last week, in anticipation of the start of a new season.

My best friend in Madrid, inspired me to write about the positive aspects of this season.  Please view her blog at:

So here are a few:

Morning Coffee
Yes, I did drink coffee in the morning all summer, but now that the weather is getting colder, it's nice to warm your hands up in the morning.  And now, I drink my morning coffee much earlier, while working on my new Mozart Sonata.  Is there a better way to start the morning than coffee and Mozart?!

The sun is shining and my studio looks bright and ready for learning!  It is also a good day to sit on the balcony and lesson plan before classes.

It's easy for the days to fly by without accomplishing what you mean to, when you are on a relaxed summer schedule.  Now that I've been getting up early and getting to work, I've been super-productive.

I've missed hearing music all I get to hear music all the time, both my students and mine.

My Students
I've also missed my students!  Now I get to see them all and hear about their summers and goals for this year.

So what have you enjoyed about the start of fall?


  1. Coffee and Mozart in the morning is a great combo! But my favorite, especially in the fall, is Baroque music in the mornings. I don't know what it is about fall and Baroque music, but they just click.

  2. Routine - um, yes please! Otherwise, I would probably read away a couple days each week...
