Saturday, February 1, 2014

Balance and facts

Many students have been curious lately about the fact that I both live and teach here at home.  Some adults would like to know how I achieve work/life balance.  Kids are more direct and say things like "I know you live here, because I went to the bathroom and saw your bathtub".

The truth is, while I try to keep teaching and life a bit separate, I love what I do!  When I'm in the kitchen, I collect bread tags for MYC classes.  I listen to podcasts about music, the arts and teaching.  For Christmas "Rita the Racoon" was one of my gifts, since a student guessed that I would be a racoon for Halloween.  Now she is the studio mascot (check her out next time you are here!).

So to satisfy your curiosity, here are some important facts about me:

Favorite colour: Purple (this has been my favourite colour forever)
Reason for teaching: I love music, I love kids, I love sharing what I love with others!
Hobbies: cooking, reading, yoga and travelling of course.
Musical Goals: I'm playing around with some songwriting lately and I'm working on some very challenging piano repertoire that I hope to have ready this year!  I'm also trying to play more oboe, so it is not taking the backseat.

Do you have a question? I'll answer some of the most interesting ones this week, so send them my way!

1 comment:

  1. If you are a guest somewhere and you're asked to play a song, what song do you play? What first comes to mind?
