Saturday, December 1, 2012

An overview

First things first: my perfect blog name should be explained.  Coming up with titles for anything is difficult and it was especially hard to think of a name for my blog before even starting to write.

You might recognize the famous Shakespeare quote from Twelfth Night:

"If music be the food of love, play on, 
Give me excess of it".

This quote encompasses the most important aspects of my life and hence, my blog.  

Obviously music is the first aspect mentioned and the most important to me.  Whether it is teaching, songwriting, listening or playing, music is constant.

Food is next.  Some of you may not be aware that I worked as a cook for 10 years.  I miss it a lot and fight off the urges to pick up part-time work in the restaurant industry by hosting elaborate dinner parties and brunches.

The quote, coming from Shakespeare shows my love of literature and language.  If I'm not at the piano, I'm usually curled up with a book somewhere.

So why use "Excess of it"?  Those of you who know me well know that when I like something, I love it. I listen to songs on repeat, re-read books and poems, play the same pieces on the piano for hours on end.  Whether it is coffee, walking, visiting with particular friends or a favourite food, that's the way I am.

So welcome!  Stay tuned for reviews on restaurants, books and music, as well as general reflections on life.


  1. Sounds really interesting! Can't wait to read some more postings!

  2. I like the name! The concept describes you very well :)

  3. Look forward to hearing more about these shared passions.

  4. Hi Nic! Cool blog! I have one too - now we can follow each other haha :)

