Sunday, March 24, 2013

On Multi-tasking

Are you a multi-tasker?  Is there a particular time that you remember in particular?

I'm inspired to write about this, because I was told by a student today that she sometimes recites multiplication-tables while practising.  She told me that a combination of a certain piece that she was practising with the 5X multiplication-tables was particularly hard.  I laughed and told her how proud I was that she could do music and math at the same time.  I hope this means I am doing something right!:)

Later on I was talking about this with another student, who informed me that she as well multiplies while practising piano and sometimes sings her multiplication while playing!

A couple of years ago I had a lovely student who would have entire conversations with me while playing her songs.

My students never cease to amaze me!

I am a strong believer in multi-tasking.
For example: when I commute to practices, my own lessons and friends houses by cycling, I listen to the children's songs that I need to learn to sing for toddler classes at the same time.  This can sometimes have the interesting effect of whistling "Old MacDonald Had A Farm" or the "Hokey Pokey" at dinner parties, but is generally helpful!

1 comment:

  1. My commute involves lots of walking, the subway, and the train, so lots of time to do other things! When I'm walking, I go over lesson plans (so yes, sometimes this means I'm singing catchy kiddie songs!). On the subway, I usually read a magazine (Chatelaine) to menu- plan or check out home organization ideas. Then on the train, I either plan lessons or... nap. :)
